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Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Brant Lake Improvement Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing, preserving and protecting the quality of Brant Lake and its watershed.  In cooperation with public agencies, we promote responsible environmental practices and provide information and opportunities to unite the Brant Lake community through recreation, social and civic activities.

What We Do

  • We sponsor and arrange meetings and seminars in order to provide our membership and concerned citizens with timely information about the use and wise management of Brant Lake.  

  • We redistribute educational articles that identify and suggest actions that lake associations and local units of government may take to prevent water quality degradation as well as protect the health, safety and welfare of Brant Lake citizens. 

  • We promote, encourage and enable individuals in measuring the physical, biological and chemical parameters of Brant Lake by administering the Dakota Water Watch water quality program. Volunteer monitors are trained and equipped to monitor the following Brant Lake parameters:

    • Secchi Disk – Water Transparency

    • Spring and Summer Total Phosphorus

    • Chlorophyll a – a measure of how much algae is present in your lake’s water column

    • Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature

    • Exotic Plant Watch

    • Aquatic Plant Identification

  • We inform Brant Lake residents and visitors of state land and water use regulations that directly affect Brant Lake citizens and recreational users. The primary laws that affect those living on or using our water resources are:

    • Part 301 – Inland Lakes and Streams of Public Act 451 of 1994

    • Part 91 – Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Act of Public Act 451 of 1994

    • Part 303 – Wetlands Protection Act of Public Act 451 of 1994

    • Marine Safety Act provisions

    • Personal watercraft regulations

  • We encourage waterfront property owners and members of the public to learn about the impacts of recreational water use on aquatic plant and animal populations in lakes and streams.

We encourage everyone to be a BLIA member. A BLIA membership provides you a news letter and lake directory to keep you up on special events and activities, community maps, as well as BLIA accomplishments and updates on ongoing projects. Though BLIA members come from all walks of life they all share an intense passion for friendships and fun.  Above all, BLIA members share a deep desire to preserve, improve, and protect lake habitat, water quality, and public safety on and around the lake. 


  • Between $1,000 and $2,000 is spent every year testing the quality of the water in Brant Lake.  Records are kept to identify where pollution comes from so a plan of action can be developed to correct problem areas.

  • Between $1,000 and $2,000 is spent every year cleaning up the lake, i.e., solid and hazardous waste accumulation.

  • Members receive a published list of all lake residents containing addresses and telephone numbers.

  • Members of the Board clean out the southwest outlet of debris every year.

  • Members of the Board meet annually with the GF&P,  and other local lake and water shed associations to develop watershed & lake projects that will continue to improve the quality of water in Brant Lake.

  • Members of the Board organize and conduct an annual  pancake breakfast, 4th of July parade, summer picnic gathering, summer clean up day, Fall leaf pickup, and a winter annual ice fishing derby. 

  • All individual members receive the Lake News quarterly newsletter.

  • Members of the Board meet regularly to discuss the needs and problems concerning Brant Lake.  They consider outside experts and agencies to assist in improving the quality of Brant Lake and they try to help everyone know their neighbors and enjoy living around the lake.


To enhance its overall effectiveness the BLIA stays abreast of legislative activities and regulatory proposals of select local, state, and federal agencies.  Likewise, the BLIA monitors and coordinates with numerous nonprofit organizations that share common objectives & interests.  For example, the Lake County Water Quality Committee (LCWQC) monitors the watershed for Lake Herman, Lake Madison, Long, Round and Brant lakes.  This watershed covers over 80,000 acres.  The LCWQC entails a partnership between town dwellers, farmers, and lake shore residents created to benefit and protect the entire watershed and everyone who lives or visits the lakes within this watershed. 

The BLIA maintains representation on this committee.  For a complete listing of governmental and nonprofit entities of interest to the BLIA visit our Links tab above or click here.

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